This script is used to check the validity of the file related information on the grid. It requires the RAT version, module and file type to be specified as inputs. Example usage:
python bin/manage_production_labels -c [config] -m [module] -v [version] -f [fileType] -o [list of corrected documents]
# Required arguments:
# -c CONFIG CouchDB configuration file
# -v RATV Rat version to be checked, default 6.16.3
# -m MODULE Requested module to check, default Analysis
# -f FILETYPE File types to check [ntuple, ratds, ratds_blind, blind_ratds, blind_ntuple]
# Optional arguments:
# -h, --help show this help message and exit
# --dryRun Dry run, produces an output of files that will be corrected.
# -o OUTTEXT Output file [documentsCorrected.txt]
# --start RUNSTART First run to check, default 0
# --end RUNEND Last run to check, default 999999
This function will pull the data document associated with a particular module, version, and filetype. For each run it will loop through the subruns, and check the file type, the replicas registered, the guid, the size, and the checksum of the grid (lfc) file against what is in the couchdb database. If any of the information is different, the couchdb document will be updated to match the information on the grid, unless the “dryRun” option is selected.