Submitting Grid Jobs

Although the production systems and users submit jobs to Grid resources via ganga, it is important that production operators are able to submit jobs directly in order to debug any problems. It is possible to submit directly to computing elements or via the Dirac WMS.

Submission via Dirac

Jobs may be submitted to Dirac using either command-line tools or using a python API. For either method you will need to have Dirac tools available in your environment paths and a valid dirac proxy:

# From the install location of the Dirac UI software
. bashrc
dirac-proxy-init -g snoplus.snolab.ca_user -M

To submit a simple job using the command line tool, e.g. create a job file job.jdl with:

JobName = "Simple_Job";
## Replace Executable with script name if required
Executable = "/bin/ls";
Arguments = "-ltr";
StdOutput = "StdOut";
StdError = "StdErr";
OutputSandbox = {"StdOut","StdErr"};
##  Add InputSandbox field if running with exe, script, or input data, e.g.:
# InputSandbox = {"/path/to/"};
## To add a destination or to ensure the job does not go to a certain site:
# Destination = {};
# BannedSites = {};

To submit, check, and retrieve job outputs:

dirac-wms-job-submit job.jdl
# Submission returns a job ID, check with:
dirac-wms-job-status [job ID]
# Once the status is complete, retrieve output sandbox with:
dirac-wms-job-get-output [job ID]

Dirac also provides a web based monitor, assuming you’re submitting to the GridPP production Dirac service then this monitor is located here. Note that you may have to add a security exception to see the web page depending on your security settings in your browser.

The python API is a very useful interface for building a job management system (e.g. Ganga), for submitting a simple job it’s likely less useful. To submit a simple job from either an interactive python session or using a python script:

from DIRAC import S_OK, S_ERROR, gLogger, exit
from DIRAC.Core.Base import Script

Script.parseCommandLine( ignoreErrors = False )
from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.Job import Job
from DIRAC.Interfaces.API.Dirac import Dirac

dirac = Dirac()

j = Job()

## To set a Destination or ban a site
# j.setDestination('site')
# j.setBannedSites(['site1', 'site2'])

result = dirac.submit(j)
print 'job ID:', result

For more information see the Dirac manual.

For a list of sites that the GridPP production Dirac instance supports, see here. To see the current and planned downtimes, you can look at sites here.

Direct CE submission

These instructions are likely deprecated. Proceed with caution… Sites typically run either Cream Computing Elements (cream-CE) or Arc Computing Elements (arc-CE), an exception being UCSD which runs htcondor. At present we only have documentation for direct submission to cream-CEs. It should be apparent which type of CE you want to test by running “lcg-infosites ce” and inspecting the CE name (the suffix will typically contain either “cream” or “nordugrid-Condor”.

To submit to a cream-CE create a job file, e.g.:

Executable = "/bin/echo";
Arguments = "Hello world!";
StdOutput = "hello.out";
StdError = "hello.err";
OutputSandbox = {"hello.out","hello.err"};
OutputSandboxBaseDestURI = "gsiftp://localhost";

and then submit, check, and retrieve outputs with:

# Where site is the queue name (can be found from lcg-infosites ce)
glite-ce-job-submit -a -r [site] ce.jdl
# This will output a job id (which is the site name + some ID)
glite-ce-job-status [job ID]
# Once complete, retrieve outputs with:
glite-ce-job-output [job ID]