This script is used to check the guid listed in the database against the one on the grid.
python validation/ -c [config] -m [module] -v [version] -f [fileType] -o [list of corrected documents]
usage: Check the Guids in the database against those in the grid. If the database is incorrect, replace the old guid with the correct guid.
[-h] [-c CONFIG] [-v RATV] [-m MODULE] [-f FILETYPE] [--start RUNSTART]
[--end RUNEND] [--dryRun] [-o OUTTEXT]
# Required arguments:
# -c CONFIG CouchDB configuration file
# -v RATV Rat version to be checked, default 6.3.5
# -m MODULE Requested module to check, default Analysis
# -f FILETYPE File types to check [ntuple], [ratds]
# Optional arguments:
# -h, --help show this help message and exit
# --start RUNSTART First run to check, default 0
# --end RUNEND Last run to check, default 999999
# --dryRun Dry run, produces an output of files that will be corrected.
# -o OUTTEXT Output file [guidsCorrected.txt]
A utility to check the guids between the database and the registered location on the grid. If an inconsistency is found, it fixes the database to match the grid guid. This version of refresh guids is designed to be run as a cronjob over the current version of RAT. This script is surpassed by